Soused in alcohol
another failed attempt
mission accomplished
Type rest of the post here
Some bands don't know when to quit, with the Rollings Stones at the top of
that list. I believe *Some Girls* is the band's last great album, an
obvious ...
4 days ago
That could be a commentary on the Bush administration or my first marriage.
It seems to apply to many of our lives. After 6 failed suicide attempts it becomes obvious it's a ploy to get even more attention than she has always received. The crying wolf is getting rather tedious.
Ah, the dysfunctional family...nothing like it.
One of these days, she's going to make a mistake, and slip away before her planned rescue can come about.
A part of me wants to tell you to block her calls, and lose her address...
But quite frankly, that won't work unless her entire network of manipulatees does the same thing. She has to have it made crystal clear that NO ONE will allow her to manipulate him and her. That EVERYONE wants her to seek LONG-TERM help with her alcoholism, and whatever other emotional problems she's carrying with her. And that if she is drunk that her calls and visits WILL NOT be accepted.
To be perfectly honest, I'm NOT talking to her anymore when she is in a drunken state. She repeats everything 8, 10 times and my God, I feel like getting drunk myself by the time I get her off of the phone.
If she sincerely wants to get free of alcohol I'm there for her but this BS off one day and on the next doesn't cut it. It's wearing thin.
who are you talking about?
Actually, topazz, my senryu is about anyone who has a friend or family member that is a manipulative alcoholic who uses emotional blackmail or goes to drastic measures to gain attention.
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