For Gerald Ford's death, will Slate go with an anti-obituary by Christopher Hitchens, master of the genre, or an over-the-top obit, like they ran for James Brown?
I'm guessing both... If you held a gun to my head and made me guess one, I'd take the anti-obit by Hitchens.
The Byrds, "Younger than Yesterday"
*Released in 1967, the Byrds' fourth album YOUNGER THAN YESTERDAY saw the
band saw the band having to commit itself to releasing a record after the
2 weeks ago
Let's just hope we don't get a Borat-esque flooding of the zone.
My bet says something stupid (Ford paved the way for terror). Kinsley says only marginally less studpid (Ford: more than just a klutz). Dickerson remembers his mother's first interaction with Ford, which provides insight into the Nixon pardon (which helped the country move on). Weisberg describes some straw man ("Ford solved the energy crisis") as the conventional wisdom, and then debunks it with what everybody else in the world would describe as the CW.
I'm going to go check my work now...
Wrong again. Curse you, Timothy Noah!
The Hitchens anti-obit is here!
Just wait for Kissinger...
I did enhoy the "CW" strongman, as that is a specialty.
Credit where credit is due: not as stupid as I thought.
You called it alright. Not Bad!
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