A post by Charon caught my attention. He/she says:According to legend, the removal of the stars came about because of the quantity of them and as a result of some posters who rarely wrote at a level typical of a star.
Funny thing is, without relying on legend or rumor, I happen to know for a fact why Kevin decided to reboot the star system. I’m probably not the only one. But I was told why in confidence. I probably still have the actual email.
Anyway, I’m curious when, if ever, it would be correct to set the historical record straight? Doesn’t the demise of stars warrant a reckoning of sorts? Wouldn't it be both interesting and proper to lay bare the secret history of the stars? Cause I'm not the only one who knows stuff..., am I?
The Byrds, "Younger than Yesterday"
*Released in 1967, the Byrds' fourth album YOUNGER THAN YESTERDAY saw the
band saw the band having to commit itself to releasing a record after the
2 weeks ago