The first person to post a notice in BOTF and Poems Fray will be permitted to choose the topic...
...provided it's something about ingratitude and the failure of redemption.
Just kidding.
Murder My Sweet
Watched "*Murder My Sweet*" recently on TCM , a masterclass detective yarn
starring Dick Powell and directed with artful craft by Edward Dmytryk. This...
1 day ago
At one point, having sworn off the fray, I posted something on wag asking another contributor to repost it in BotF. Fortunately, no one was “quick” to see to my request, giving me time to realize how lame such a request really was. I reposted it myself. Just something to think about.
sorry. i'm a bit too dazed by the pic to be composing anything.
sik: A lame request, sure, but I did offer a reward. What the hell good is it being the Poetry Mistress if I don't have minions who will do my bidding?
max: stop drooling on my boots and make yourself useful.
Fuck. I feel like flogging someone.
lucky guy/girl.
Dawn --
Sorry. I would have been the obvious choice to do this, procrastinated, yadda, yadda.
I hope this isn't the push that knocks you off the bandwagon.
If it's any comfort -- had I posted it, not as many people would have been interested.
august: push me off the bandwagon? oh, don't worry - I'm not so easily subdued.
max: I'd let you watch.
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