I've deleted all the labels. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Please select a two letter label for all your posts. This two letter label (lowercase) will be your initials. For example, my initials are "ed". I've assigned this label to all my posts.
1. To assign this new label to all your posts, log in to blogger and go to the dashboard. From there, select "Posts."
2. Go to your last post and click "Edit."
3. Label the post with your two letter lowercase initials, and publish it.
4. Return to the Posts page and select "300" from the dropdown menu.
5. Scroll down the list of posts and check those that are yours.
6. Return to the top of the page and assign your initials/label to the selected posts.
7. Repeat for Older Posts.
Thank you, and stay tuned for Roll Call (of sorts) Phase II.
The Byrds, "Younger than Yesterday"
*Released in 1967, the Byrds' fourth album YOUNGER THAN YESTERDAY saw the
band saw the band having to commit itself to releasing a record after the
2 weeks ago