Original, over-exposed image from iSight camera in MacBook Pro:
Imaged sharpened and darkened by me in iPhoto:
Image tweaked by my brother in Photoshop (15 mins work):
I've been married to a flat iron for a few years now, but yesterday my stylist finally showed me what to do with my hair's natural curl. Wheee!
Some bands don't know when to quit, with the Rollings Stones at the top of
that list. I believe *Some Girls* is the band's last great album, an
obvious ...
4 days ago
You need the little rounded ears to make the leonine look complete. :)
I'll have what you're having!
Pretty damned hot for a feminazi. ;)
Rounded? My first thought that she needed some points sticking up through teh new do to go completely elf.
The time I figured out a natural wave was my friend and not my enemey, was exactly when it began falling out. (No photos! I'm hideous!)
I should scan in picture from the year I did the Cats makeup for Halloween, complete with little round ears.
I've never considered elf. Harpie, maybe...
And cat? I am my own ornament. Curls — wheee!
My daughter, now 14, inherited curls from me. For some time, she hated them. A few weeks ago, she had her hair straightened and blown out. When the natural curliness reasserted itself after a week or so, she looked in the mirror one morning and said, much like you, "Whee!"
My God but you are an absolute beauty and I believe you'd be so even if you were bald.
Did someone say cats?
wiki's template seeds serious attention. horrid. put it back the other way.
Gypsy, are you suggesting another cat off? But how would people tell Sweetpea and Harry apart? I suppose it could be a competition for the photography itself, but then you'd win for sure, biatch.
Regarding your complaint about the template: I gave admin access to every member of wikifray in hopes that someone would feel moved to fix the place up, but except for John putting the feeds back, and catnapping putting up a banner (both much appreciated), no one has stepped up. If no one volunteers, I suppose I'll get around to revamping it eventually.
(Hi Sandy. Hi Claude)
a cat-off is tempting. harry and sweet pea do look alike but sweet pea is nicer, and deeper. harry's just prettier...
Sweetpea is currently wedged between my leg and the back of the couch. He's got his head resting on my bare thigh. How can anything be this soft? I've got the laptop balanced on my other leg, and I'm watching TV with the wind howling outside (feeling guilty over Keith's suicide, Alison is drinking too much, and Amanda is threatening to fire her. Favorite line so far: Michael: I am a desperate man with no clean underwear. Kimberly: And I am a doctor, not a maid.)
I don't know about a cat off, but you should enter the garlic carving in some kind of contest, or perhaps start your own website for people to post art-project homages to their deceased pets. You'd be doing a public service by giving people a creative outlet for their grief, and I bet it would be popular the way that Post Secret is popular.
if you like soap opera's you might like the first season of The OC. season 2 was very good but started losing some of its soul. and you won't bother with season's 3 or 4 unless you become a die hard OC fan.
i've thought about putting up some sort of site like you mention but i don't have a very good broad scale success rate; maybe that's because i have a big mouth. but i'm willing to try again. can you help with ideas? it would be something to do anyway.
my brother ate that whole plate of food, consuming the garlic maui in less than one minute.
I don't like soap operas so much, but Melrose is sorta fun because everyone in it is unlikeable.
If you're too mean to be a webmaster, perhaps set up the site and let someone else interact with the public. I would keep it simple, but I don't know how you'd get the word out. A contest, perhaps? I wonder how Post Secret did it. Maybe talk to Schad to see if he's interested in some joint promotional thing. I honestly think that garlic sculpture in the plate of food is an amazing work of art, and I think a site full of art like that would be popular, poignant, and funny as hell.
Ideas? I've got a million of 'em. I'm not good for much of anything else.
I am honestly too mean but it's a great idea and if I can use my skills without interacting then its almost conceivable. I'm thinking about how to do it. the idea has been rolling around in my head for a long time. i should also check with my brother. as much as he sucks, he's actually brilliant. when he's not orating, making love to each syllable as it rrrrrrolls off his...nevermind.
at least check out the first few episodes of the first season of The OC. its worth every lost minute. I think they can be rented by episodes.
dawn you should have mail. I registered the domain I want. SEriously, I feel this in my bones. I everything I need except motivaytion - and being hungry should take care of that. I'll have the template of the site up and running in a few weeks. Would love your ideas and input.
he lives.
oy vaytion!
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